(949) 900-3435

Trademark Infringement Monitoring and Evidence Acquisition

Our trademark infringement monitoring service and evidence acquisition investigations provides an integrated service to assist brand owners to identify and take substantive action against a range of Internet brand abuses, including channel diversion, unauthorized distribution, gray market sales and counterfeit sales.trademark infringement monitoring services

Trademark Infringement Monitoring Service

Using best-of-breed technologies, our web watching program is designed around your unique situation, brand risks and business objectives.

  • Identify online infringement on websites of all kinds, including auction sites. Advanced monitoring identifies relevant content using a combination of proactive search engine queries and independent web crawling.
  • Weighted results are based on criteria developed around your specific needs and objectives, to obtain focused and actionable results. This triage process allows us to provide specific, targeted reporting without compromising breadth of coverage.

Action Plan for Evidence Acquisition

Results from ongoing monitoring are reported and reviewed at specific intervals. These touchpoints provide our clients with transparency and visibility into our processes to ensure desired results. We will:

  • Report to you on specific instances of brand misuse,
  • Review and prioritize action plans for specific instances, and
  • Conduct anonymous evidentiary purchases and investigations as needed to develop a substantive profile of the seller(s), channels of trade, source(s) of goods and to obtain samples of infringing goods. In cases where counterfeiting is suspected, we will convey acquired samples to our client’s designated expert for verification.

Better Evidence for Improved Outcomes

Our infringement monitoring is designed to support an active brand defense program.

  • Monitor against infringement or other unauthorized brand usage
  • Identify high risk infringers and acquire documented, admissable evidence in order to pursue immediate relief
  • Support related brand management activities such as cease and desist letters, auction site and other website takedown requests

To learn more about these services, call Jakkie at 949-900-3435 or 347-688-5684 (New York) for a complimentary consultation.

Additional Reading:

Anti-Counterfeiting Services

Counterfeiting Detection Apps