A trademark Investigation also referred to as a Trademark “In-Use” Investigations gives brand owners and trademark professionals the information needed to manage their assets and make informed decisions to manage risk. With access to specialized online sources and discreet investigative tactics, our reports are comprehensive and tailored to support your trademark strategy.
We believe the best trademark in-use report is the one which answers your questions — in many cases, questions raised through the completion of a comprehensive trademark clearance report. Based on your trademark management, registration or litigation strategy, our investigation strategy is built around our client’s specific needs. This highly consultative approach extends to the execution of the investigation: expect to hear back from our investigators at least once during the preparation of the initial research phase to report their interim findings. In many cases, these consultative conversations result in adjustments to the investigative strategy — and an even more effectively targeted report.
We price our services based on our experience and in alignment with our investigative approach. We provide you and your client with a flat fee price quote on the day of the request to insure there are no surprises.
During the investigation phase the private investigator handling your case will communicate the progress of our research and may outline avenues for further investigation. If the client requests and agrees, the investigation will pursue these avenues, with further investigation billed at an agreed upon rate. We call our policy “no surprises” because it is: we will discuss with you a cap for your investigation and, if requested, specific milestones which give you complete transparency into and control of the investigation each step of the way.
Contact us today for a, confidential, consultation. 949-900-3435 (Orange County) or 347-688-5684 (New York).